The media has an important role to play by providing the American public how political party stands on an issues affecting everyday life — or so we are lead to believe. Over the decades, media outlets have pushed a political agenda with the majority of media outlets on the far left of political issues. This leaves the Republican Party with limited support. Over the years, however, Hispanic media outlets have grown from one station, Univision, to a handful leaving the political agenda leaning towards the left.
Whether it's Univision, Mundo Fox, or NUVO TV, there is no hiding the fact Hispanics are making an impact on media. Yet political pundits in Hispanic media outlets such as Univision set forth an agenda that highlights approval of the Democratic Party views while demonizing the Republican Party.
While Hispanic media outlets grow in viewership, Univision's ratings have given the network enough confidence to boast about its number-one-ranking viewership. On July 22, 2013, the Wall Street Journal had an ad on page A9 from Univision that was an open letter stating to the major television companies (ABC, NBC, CBS, and FOX) that Univision was America’s new number-one network. Univision was making a statement that there is no stopping the power of its growth.
The Hispanic media has an important role during elections, informing Hispanic voters on the issues, but if the political pundits of Hispanic media side with the Democratic Party, will that leave FOX News as the only conservative-leaning news channel?
There is no question that Hispanic media, especially Univision, play a biased role when covering the Democratic Party and shun the Republican Party whenever the immigration debate does not favor the Hispanic community.
Realizing that Hispanics are the fastest growing population in the U.S., and dominance in media politics is playing a role on how Hispanics vote, the GOP must reconsider how it is viewed as a friend or foe to the Hispanic community.
When the Hispanic media champions Democrats, it is sending a message to the Republican Party that a simple Spanish speech by Senator Rubio is not enough. Dialogue, commitment, and genuinely friendly outreach to the Hispanic community via Hispanic media must play a key factor.
The Hispanic media must provide a divided dialogue of both left-leaning and right-leaning commentary in order to give the viewers a fair chance of deciding which party has the best solutions for immigration, health care, the economy, and education.
If political pundits in the Hispanic media such as Jorge Ramos continue to blame the Republican Party for pitfalls in immigration reform, than can Republicans reach out to Hispanic voters and set the record straight? It seems unlikely.
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