The future is coming, and with it an event of some sort. In a quirky discovery it turns out multiple members of Congress have events on their websites announcing a "Distant Future Event."
Democrats and Republicans alike have pages for a rather peculiar event. Each page consists of a freeze frame from the Flight of the Conchords video "The Humans Are Dead" as well as a link to the video. All of this is followed by the standard filler — Latin gibberish. Here's a list of the members of Congress who have the page. Be advised, the links my go down in the not-so-distant future!
1. Rep. Robert Brady
2. Rep. Bruce Braley
3. Rep. Lois Capps
4. Rep. Kay Granger
5. Rep. Frank Lucas
6. Rep. Jerrold Nadler
7. Rep. Tom Petri
8. Rep. Joe Pitts
9. Rep. Tim Ryan
10. Rep. Jose Serrano
11. Rep. Adrian Smith
12. Rep. G.T. Thompson
13. Rep. Ed Whitfield
14. Rep. C.W. Bill Young
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